"Get Healthy is committed to providing the highest quality organic supplement and body care products at a fair price to support a journey to optimum health and wellness. Catering to all ages, Get Healthy places special emphasis on children's wellness and also stocks many vegan and cruelty free products."

October 9, 2011

Life is a Journey - Enjoy it!

Welcome to Get Healthy: A Blog,

As some of you already know, or just now finding out, we are a store located in Richboro PA and committed to your health and wellness. Our mission is simple:
  • To provide high quality natural products consisting of wild-grown and organic ingredients.
  • To focus on serving our customers and exceeding their expectations.
  • To encourage personal growth and provide a positive work environment for our employees.
  • To educate our customers, employees and community about the benefits of natural products and a holistic lifestyle.
  • To treat our customers and vendors with mutual respect.
  • To support and enhance the quality of life in our community.
  • To be environmentally aware and reduce our impact on the Earth. 
What we hope to accomplish is to make people return to earth and nature and rid themselves of the chemicals that are in our world these days. Not only will this benefit our own bodies but it benefits our land and environment, and what could be better?!

So Welcome, welcome to the Blog that could change your life.

Before I get started I just want to introduce myself. My name is Julia, ever since I was little all my friends have called me Julie and it just stuck. Recently I came up with this signature, "Yours Truly Julie" and for the sake of being corny (because I love being a corn ball) I thought it fitting to use it on here. I possess a masters degree in Elementary and Special Education, so I am in no way an expert in all things organic and natural but I can tell you my honest opinion as well as what others have told me about products that I use daily. So, I want to go over a few things before I do just that.

What this Blog is: This Blog is about informing our customers, community, friends, relatives, and the world about our products and how they benefit a healthy lifestyle. It will include honest before and after testimonials from myself and others, store and employee updates (what we have been up to), descriptions of new products, pictures, events, etc.

What this Blog isn't: This Blog is not about preaching. I understand everyone makes their own choices and lives their own lives. What you take away from my writing is simply up to you.

All I hope you'll do is read and enjoy it :)

Yours Truly,


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