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September 24, 2012

The Aluminum Free lifestyle

In today's age there is a lot of talk of what is good for the body and what is bad. Going by your product labels alone may not always be the best decision. Slogans such as "good for your skin" and "healthy" are not the whole truth. 

One major product that is used by everyone that wants to stay fresh throughout the day, may be slowly deteriorating your body and cells: and the winner is.... Deodorant. 

Most deodorants on the shelves contains aluminum. 

Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's disease, according to a 1997 study by the Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University of Toronto in Canada. The body, through the pores in the underarms, readily absorbs aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium used in deodorants. Aluminum-free deodorants offer a variety of health benefits and choices in natural ingredients.

Reduced Risk of Brain Metabolic Disorders
Aluminum from deodorants is easily absorbed by the body, according to a 2001 study published in "Food and Chemical Toxicology." Aluminum slowly accumulates in the cell nucleus and chromatin. Neurons in the brain are the most effected by this accumulation, according to a 1986 study by P.O. Ganrot in "Environmental Health Perspectives." Aluminum accumulation occurs at the subcellular level without measurable increases in tissue concentration. The uptake is slow and damages the cells over time contributing to age related diseases and other neurological disorders. 

Aluminum is considered a known risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD), according to the National Institutes of Health. A two-year study of 63 patients concluded that aluminum plays an active role in the pathogenesis of AD.

Clear Underarm Pores
Deodorant manufacturers use aluminum compounds to reduce perspiration. Aluminum forms a temporary plug in the sweat duct that stops sweat from reaching the skin's surface. This clogs the pores in the underarms and can cause allergic contact dermatitis, according to a study published in the January 2010 issue of "Contact Dermatitis."

Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer
Using deodorants that contain aluminum may contribute to breast cancer development, according to the National Cancer Institute. No conclusive evidence links aluminum-containing deodorants to causing breast cancer, but aluminum-based compounds that are applied frequently to skin near the breast may be absorbed into the skin and cause "estrogen-like" hormonal effects. Estrogen can promote breast cancer cells; it is possible, then, that these compounds also contribute to breast cancer.

Odor Protection
Natural deodorants that do not contain aluminum compounds can help reduce odor from sweating. Ingredients like sage oil, lemon, citrus and rose are effective at masking body odor. Crystal deodorants absorb odors--but be sure to read the labels as some crystal deodorants have been found to have trace amounts of aluminum.

Stop in at Get Healthy and check out one of our favorite brands, Lafes. Products include deodorant (scented and unscented), foot sprays, bug repellent, and many more. 

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