"Get Healthy is committed to providing the highest quality organic supplement and body care products at a fair price to support a journey to optimum health and wellness. Catering to all ages, Get Healthy places special emphasis on children's wellness and also stocks many vegan and cruelty free products."

March 22, 2013

Alpha Brain for Mental Dominance

Need a lift? Running low on energy? Or are you just plain worn down, tired and too busy to relax... 

Well ladies and gents, you are not alone... and thankfully now at Get Healthy there is help in the form of our newest supplement, Alpha Brain.

The idea behind Alpha BRAIN was to create a fully-balanced nootropic. The Alpha GPC and Huperzia Serrata contain nutrients that help your body turn up acetylcholine levels full throttle while other ingredients assist in elevating neurological components vital to remaining calm, focused, and mentally driven. Our Vinpocetine can help the body deliver oxygen and nutrients to the brain, and the combination of neuro-specific antioxidants, led by the proprietary AC-11®, assists your system in clearing away mental fog and free radicals. The result for the thousands of satisfied customers is an extraordinary combination of lucid dreams, mental drive, focus, and mental acuity.

What is it that separates the great minds from the good minds? Raw intelligence is a factor; but what else? Is it the ability to quickly access information? Is it the ability to efficiently store learned information? Is it the ability to induce connections between seemingly unrelated events? Is it the ability to stay focused and determined? The knack for staying calm in tense situations and driven towards your goals? If that is what makes a great mind, then Alpha BRAIN is the ideal brain food. Containing nutrients designed to help the body elevate levels of major neurotransmitters, Alpha BRAIN can help you to actualize your mind's true potential.

A study done on acetylcholine boosting drugs had an interesting side effect: vivid, and often lucid dreams. This led researchers to study the mechanism further, and what they found was something that sleep experts had known all along: acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating REM sleep. The more acetylcholine available, the more persistent and broad the REM cycles for the subjects studied. Alpha BRAIN is designed to be of the most potent acetylcholine-enhancing nutrient based supplements available, and the results on the dream state go beyond expectations. Where will you travel? What will you create? Its all up to you.

Natural ingredients based on Apha-Brain Webpage:

  • Alpha GPC: Raw source of acetylcholine, associated with sharpness, mental speed.
  • Huperzine A: Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, extracted from club moss.
  • Vinpocetine: Helps bring oxygen and nutrients to the brain via vasodilation.
  • AC-11®: Powerful DNA repair antioxidant.
  • Phosphatidylserine: Essential lipid compound highly abundant within brain cell membranes.
  • Bacopa: Traditional Ayurvedic brain-enhancing nutrient.
  • Pterostilbene: From blueberries, powerful micronutrient / antioxidant.
  • L-Tyrosine: Amino acid important to the production of Dopamine.
  • L-Theanine: Amino acid with chemical similarities to GABA.
  • Oat Straw (20:1): Natural anti-stress nutrient, helps balance formula and create calm focus.
  • Vitamin B-6: Catalyst in effective utilization of many nutrients.
At this time Get Healthy offers Alpha-Brain IN STORE ONLY. 
However, shipping is available to anywhere in the US.

Stop in to receive a 10% discount by mentioning our Blog.

February 26, 2013

Super Fruit - live exotically -

Mainstream media has been focusing a lot of attention lately on these so called "SuperFruits", but what exactly are they? Today I'm here to answer this question for you and provide you with GetHealthy products that are sure to boost your body into Super drive...

You've heard of Superfoods, but…Superfruits? Not every fruit qualifies. Those deemed "super" by nutrition scientists are packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that can help you live longer, look better, and even prevent disease.The term "superfruit" has been applied to acai berries, maqui berries, yumberries, chokeberries, goji berries, lingonberries, lychee berries — a lot of berries, in other words, but also baobabs, mangosteens, sea buckthorn, jujube fruit, cupuacus, pitayas, pomegranates ... the list keeps growing.

Those who believe in superfruit super powers generally say they come, in large part at least, from the antioxidants the superfruits contain. Claims of nutritional glories vary from superfruit to superfruit, but high antioxidant content is generally on the list, most likely at the top.

The logic seems simple enough: Antioxidants are good for you. Superfruits have more antioxidants than your average fruit. Therefore, superfruits are very good — super good — for you.

Here are some SuperFruits, just to name a few, offered at Get Healthy Vitamins and Supplements:

Açaí Berry

Açaí deserves the hype it gets, thanks to weapons grade antioxidant levels that clobber other Superfruit rivals like blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries. However, because this tiny berry hails from Brazil, it's not easy to find fresh. Here are Get Healthy we offer a liquid version, high concentrate Açaí Juice by the brand Genesis Today. It is know to enhance energy, appearance and overall health by supplying high levels of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and more. 

Goji Berry

The goji berry is also called the Wolfberry. It is a bright orange-red berry that comes from a shrub that's native to China. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generations in the hopes of living longer. Over time, people have used goji berries to treat many common health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, and age-related eye problems. Goji berries are eaten raw, cooked, or dried (like raisins) and are used in herbal teas, juices, wines, and medicines. Get your daily Goji Berry fix at Get Healthy, Genesis Today offers a high concentrate juice that is definitely worth trying. Goji berries also have compounds rich in vitamin A that may have anti-aging benefits. These special compounds help boost immune function, protect vision, and may help prevent heart disease. Some research suggests that goji berry extracts may boost brain health and may protect against age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's.
Other studies using goji berry juice found benefits in mental well-being, and calmness, athletic performance, happiness, quality of sleep, and feelings of good health. These are preliminary studies that need to be repeated before definitive conclusions can be drawn.

Noni Berry

The noni berry is the fruit of the evergreen shrub known as canary wood, which is native to tropical areas of the South Pacific and Australia. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine states that noni has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants neutralize rogue free radicals--oxygen molecules that are not paired with cells and float freely through the body--that mutate otherwise healthy cells. Noni Berry may also serve as a cancer preventer, cholesterol reducer, and anti fungal treatment. The Juice by Genesis today offered at Get Healthy Vitamins and Supplements enhances detoxification, healthy immunity and digestion with over 160 novel natural compounds like phytonutrients, anthraquinones and more.


Mangosteen is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia that is harvested for its antioxidants, especially xanthones, a type of chemical in certain plants. Mangosteen is promoted to support microbiological balance, help the immune system, improve joint flexibility, and provide mental support. Some proponents claim that it can help diarrhea, infections, tuberculosis, and a host of other illnesses. In countries where the tree grows, various parts of the plant are used by native healers. The fruit juice by Genesis Today encourages healthy inflammatory, immune and cardiovascular function with powerful antioxidants, polyphenols, xanthones and tannins.

Come try them all today at Get Healthy Vitamins and Supplements located in Richboro, PA or online at GetHealthyPA.com

Products offered at a 25% discount for the month of March, 2013

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy.

February 12, 2013

Amazing Grass - Organic Green SuperFood

The enemy: Free Radicals

Free radicals are the by-products of a normal and necessary event- the burning of oxygen by cells in your body to produce energy. These by-products are damaged molecules. They are missing an electron, and they ‘want’ one badly...badly enough to attack any nearby molecule get it. If they take electrons from important components in your body, such as DNA (your body’s master plan for reproducing cells) or from protein or fat, they do damage to those cells and precipitate health problems. Not only that, when a free radical reacts with a non-radical, a free radical chain reaction results and new free radicals are formed, compounding the problem. Over time, the cumulative effects of free radicals can contribute to premature aging and certain diseases such as artery and heart disease, arthritis, cataracts, and cancer. Free radicals can also be caused by environmental factors such as pollution, smoking, and ultraviolet light.

The hero: Antioxidants

Antioxidants are a are a group of compounds that act as free radical scavengers, donating electrons and neutralizing free radicals; thus preventing their destruction to other cells. Certain vitamins appear to play an important role in helping to neutralize free radicals. These vitamins go around taking out the free radicals, converting them to harmless waste products that get eliminated from your body before they can do damage. Some may even repair damage done by previous encounters with free radicals. . To fill your army with the necessary anti-oxidants, eat foods loaded with those nutrients….colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Recruiting the Antioxidants:

Because the long-term effects of taking anti-oxidant supplements is still unknown, the proof of their benefit is still not proven clinically, and because the right dose is just an educated guess, the safest, surest way to fill your army is with a diet that contains plenty of foods rich in antioxidants.... fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables. Amazing Grass SuperFoods uses the whole food to make sure everyone is getting nature’s intended amount and mix of health promoting vitamins. 

 Green SuperFood

Get your daily dose of nutritious whole greens with Amazing Grass Green SuperFoods. Every serving is chock full of all of the necessary vitamins and minerals you and your family need. Plus it tastes great! Add Amazing Grass SuperFoods to any beverage for an energizing start to your day.

As per AmazingGrass.com, check out the harvesting process used to make Amazing Grass - SuperFood.

***As always... mention our blog and receive an additional 10% discount on our already discounted items in stock***

January 26, 2013

Ecco Bella - Discover Intelligent Natural & Organic Beauty

! SALE !  40% off Ecco Bella Cosmetics.

Yes, beauty and intelligence do mix! Welcome to the world of Ecco Bella.

Since 1992 Ecco Bella customers have had access to the purest ingredients. During times of scarcity or inflation, Ecco Bella maintains its commitment to provide clean, high quality, certified organic products. Using only food grade quality and the most precious ingredients that are listed in detail on every label. Ecco Bella was founded out of protest to the use of animal testing of personal care products, are pure and beneficial and available at Get Healthy.

The lotion that launched Ecco Bella is 100% water free. 100% preservative free and organic. The best kept secret of super models and baseball teams! If you have dry skin, live in a dry environment or just want the best lotion on your body, it's everything you ever wanted. Made without water, it relieves of dryness, flaking, and irritation long after other lotions have worn off.  Where's the water? You can drink all the water you need for free! Instead, all Ecco Bella Skin Care products float in the 3000 year old anti-aging plant, organic aloe vera.

Mineral Make-Up:
Mineral make-up with flower waxes feels better on your skin! It's one of natures best kept secrets. Flower wax. The delicate wax that forms a protective coating on flower petals. Without it, the blooms would quickly wilt in the sun and drying wind. And what flower wax can do for flowers, it can also do for your skin. Flower waxes cushion the pigments so make-up feels better and lasts longer.  Magically colors self-adjust to your skin tone. Ecology never looked more stunning. And neither will you.  
Cosmetics are free of: Talc, fragrance, dyes, dust, cruelty and preservatives. 

The products multi-task so you don't have to! 
Every product is both anti-aging and anti-blemish. So, fewer to buy and they do more for you. Not to mention this brand cares about your vitamins too! Only the top 7 nutraceuticals targeted for skin make their way into an Ecco Bella VitaminCell and into your body. They include lutein, lycopene, betacarotene, astaxanthin, advanced vitamin E, vitamin C and CoQ10. 

We know you have sensitive skin. All Ecco Bella products are alcohol-free and are excellent for sensitive skin. Why is it yellow? All the carotenoids for sure! The results - everyone who uses the products sees an improvement in their skin tone, clarity and glow.... Get Healthy would not have it any other way.

Stop in our store to experience Ecco Bella for yourself. We have set up plenty of sample stations so you may try before you buy... but we are certain you will love the products as much as we do. 

Yours truly,


November 24, 2012

The Oil Cleansing Method

Folks that suffer from skin imperfections.. acne, dark spots, age spots, wrinkles and anything else related to your skin and face listen up!.... I have some news that may come as surprising to those avid "face washers" out there. STOP! The beauty industry has us believing that we need to rid our face of oil with harsh chemical face washes and all kinds of lotions and potions, when it reality we are only causing more harm than good.

Being an avid "Pinterest" follower and user I came across a method called the "Oil Cleansing Method" and decided to give it a go. It has worked WONDERS for my skin, and I am here to share it with you...

The reasons we have so much trouble with mainstream skin care products are numerous, but two reasons, in particular, lead the pack. These products strip the oil out of our skin, leaving our largest organ trying to repair itself by replacing the oil stripped away. This leaves us in a cycle of being tight and dry followed by the inevitable oil slick. Each time we strip the oil away, our skin over-compensates for the lack of moisture by creating more oil. On top of the drying effects, these products are highly-scented. Fragrance is one of the top skin irritants and strangely enough, even the so-called "unscented" products usually contain fragrance. See for yourself and check the labels.

Do not be afraid of applying oil to your face. Oil, alone, will not bring you blemishes. Pimples, cysts, zits, blackheads, whiteheads...these are a result of several different factors including hormones, bacteria, dead skin cells and the buildup of these factors. Your skin naturally produces oil because it needs it. It is not a malicious force to be reckoned with; it is there for the benefit of your skin, allowing your largest organ to function properly. It is naturally occurring. Not only does your natural oil help lubricate, it also heals, protects, and moisturizes your skin so that it may function properly. Properly functioning skin is beautiful, clear, and glowing. Learning to work with your skin, not against it, will save you tremendously.

We will need two oils. The first, and most importantly, is Castor Oil. If you don't have this medicine cabinet staple already, it can be found online at www.gethealthypa.com or in our Get Healthy Richboro location. Castor Oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties, but is also healing and cleansing, which is why we're focusing on this oil as our primary oil. Castor Oil has been the focus of many books and medical discussion because of its seemingly "magical" healing properties. As quoted in The Oil That Heals by Dr. McGarey, he states, "Castor oil will leave the body in better condition than it found it." Though it may be our most important oil, we won't be using it in the amounts that we will the other oil (or combination of oils for those who want to take this a step further). A little bit of Castor Oil goes a long way and too much will leave you, surprisingly, with dry skin.

Since Castor Oil is so thick and its cleansing properties so strong, we need to dilute it with another oil, thinner in consistency, but no less nurturing to the skin. Sunflower Seed Oil has become my personal favorite, though in the past, I've suggested Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Both are wonderfully caring oils for skin application, but I've found that Sunflower Seed Oil has a more luxurious feel for massage. It sinks into the skin better, aiding the castor oil in transportation deep into the pores and allowing it to draw the dirt and grime to the surface of your skin where it can be wiped away. The essential fatty acids, though they are not naturally occurring in the body, are a necessity for the health of our cell membranes. These acids help restore the skins natural moisture balance and help prevent unnecessary dryness. The secondary oil that you choose is entirely up to you and should be determined by your skins needs and the properties of that oil. Choose from natural, cold-pressed vegetable oils, as these have nutrients, vitamins, and fatty acids that mineral oil and other refined oils don't. You may even have these oils in your kitchen, as they're used for cooking, as well! For the sake of explanation, from this point on, we'll say "Sunflower Seed Oil" in place of "Secondary Oil." Remember that Sunflower Seed Oil may be replaced by your vegetable oil of choice.

The Oil Cleansing Method
(as per Pinterest)
First and foremost, this is typically done in the evening, prior to bed. There should be no need for deep cleansing in the morning if you're waking up with skin cleansed the night before. In the morning, a quick wipe with a warm washcloth should suffice. We don't want to over cleanse our skin as this will serve only to irritate and cause more oil production. The objective of using this method is to deep clean while balancing our skins oil production at the same time.
  • You'll need a soft washcloth, your oil blend, and hot, running water.
  • Pour a generous puddle of oil into the palm of your hand. Roughly, the size of a quarter, but more is acceptable. Rub your hands together to warm the oil and smooth over your face.
  • Begin massaging the oil into your face. This will remove makeup, dirt, and other impurities, so there is no need to use a makeup remover or wash your face prior to the massage. I've found that this removes even my stubborn waterproof mascara.
  • Using slow, firm motions across the skin, massage the oil deeply into your pores. Take your time and focus on your problem areas. You want the oil to work into your pores so that blackheads and the like can be dissolved and steamed away.
  • As you're massaging, let your mind drift off to something calming and breathe deeply. Take this time to relax and release some of the stress that your body is harboring. Sit down, breathe deeply, and take your time. Give the oil enough time to work on dissolving the impurities in your pores and give yourself enough time to unwind. Picture what your face would look like if it were completely clear and free from blemishes. Focus on that image and know that it is attainable. Trust that it is attainable. Accept that it is attainable. You can have clear skin, free of blemishes and you will have clear skin, free of blemishes. Focus on perfect skin and breathe deeply.
  • Once you're satisfied that your pores are saturated and you're feeling calm, pick up your washcloth and soak it in clean, steamy water. We want the water to be warm enough to open your pores and remove the oil. Cool water will not open your pores, nor will it remove the oil efficiently. We're not scalding our skin, we're steaming to coax our pores to release the oil carrying the impurities. We're essentially steaming our skin as an esthetician would, but without the luxury of a steam machine.
  • Hold the washcloth to cover your face. Allow it to stay until it cools. You will feel your pores releasing the impurities. Wipe the oil gently away and rinse the washcloth well in hot, running water. Hold the washcloth to your face again, allowing it to cool. Wipe gently, rinse well, and repeat two or three more times. Avoid any temptation to scrub, as you'll find it's completely unnecessary and your skin will be soft, smooth, and free of flakes without the additional manual exfoliation and irritation that will result. Impurities, dead skin cells, and bacteria will be gently swept away.
  • Have no fear of the oil, as the steamy washcloth will remove it. The Castor Oil, though it is an oil, will help with the removal of the other oils, as well. It is our main cleansing oil and is easily removed with warm water.
  • If your skin feels tight, take a tiny drop of your oil blend, rub it between your clean, damp palms and pat it onto your damp skin. Gently massage any oil residue into your skin so there is no film of oil left sitting on the surface. Your skin should now glow!

Get Healthy... Stay Healthy